Case Management
QUEST Services, Inc. Case Management
Case Management services encompass a wide variety of services. First and foremost, a QSI Case Manager is an advocate for the individual. The QSI Case Managers have many years of experience working with individuals with developmental disabilities and they put their years of experience to work for the individual.
Case Management services are designed to accommodate the needs of each individual through the lifestyle preferences of each person. Lifestyle preferences include where the person wants to live, who the person wants to live with, where the person wants to work, and the social, leisure, and religious preferences of the person. These important life choices are documented and implemented through the Person Centered Support Plan, which is written by the Case Manager with the person and those close to them, their support network.
Case Managers are a valuable asset to the individual. They assist the individual in securing the assistance and services the individual needs to reach their maximum potential and achieve their preferred lifestyle.